This course will enable the students to understand the concept of Planning, its need and plans formulated by the Indian government for tourism sector.
Course |
Course outcome (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
24MTM423 |
Tourism Planning & Development (Theory)
CO192: Appraise the environmental & Socio-cultural Considerations in planning. CO193: Appraise economic & political tourism planning consideration. CO194: Analyze the Various approaches to tourism planning. CO195: Develop Tourism Plans and analyze related approaches & techniques. CO196: Critically analyze various levels of planning and their strategic and tactical perspective. CO197: Engage in continuous and comprehensive learning.
Approach in teaching: Discussion, Demonstration, Action Research, Project, Field Trip
Learning activities for the students: Field activities, Simulation, Presentation, Giving tasks Field practical
Continuous Assessment Test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects |
Introduction, definition, Importance of Tourism Planning, Planning Process, Environmental & Socio-cultural Considerations in planning.
Economic & political consideration in planning: Tourism Development and Economic Planning, Planning to Enhance Economic Benefits, Role of Government. Passive Role & Active Role, Political Stability and Other Considerations. Public Participation Issues.
Approaches to tourism planning: Introduction, Levels and Types of Tourism Planning, Public and Private Sector, WTO Guidelines for planning approaches.
Developing Tourism Plans: Introduction, The Planning Process, Goals for Development, Components of Tourism Development, Plan Preparation, Supply-Side Planning Technique, Plan Formulation by Checklist Techniques, Approach to Implementation, Elements of Plan Implementation & monitoring.
Strategic and tactical perspective of planning: Introduction, Defining Strategy, Importance of Strategic Management, Strategy Formulation, Strategic Planning Conventional Planning vs. Strategic Planning, Corporate Strategic Planning
• V Dhulasi Birundha Environmental challenges towards Tourism
Suggested Readings: