Define Communication and the Communication Process, Steps in developing effective communication, Establishing the Marketing Communication Budget .
Advertising – Understanding the concept of Advertising- Setting the objectives-setting the objectives, budget decisions ,message decision ,campaign evaluation, the working of an advertising agency.
Direct Marketing & Internet Marketing.
PR – The concept of Public Relations ,Various activities of PR department: Product publicity, Corporate communication ,Lobbying, Counseling, the process of Public Relations.
Tools in Marketing PR –Publications, Events, News, Speeches. PR opportunities for Hospitality industry.
Destination Marketing- The Globalization of the Tourist industry, Importance of Tourism to a destination’s economy. Tourism destination, benefits of tourism, Management of the tourist destination, Sustainable tourism.
Marketing plan- Purpose of a marketing plan ,Corporate connection ,Environmental analysis and Forecasting ,Segmentation & Targeting ,Objectives ,Communicating the plan, strategies and tactics ,Marketing control.
Case study-Incredible India campaign
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism P Kotler ,Bowen
International Tourism Management A.K.Bhatia
Development of Tourism in India Nafees Khan
Nature and Scope of Tourism Praveen Sethi
Tourism Development: Principles and Practices Bhatia
Tourism Education Shashi Prabha,Sharma
Tourism & Travel Management Biswanath Ghosh