This course will enable the students to understand the concept of Planning, its need and plans formulated by the Indian government for tourism sector.
Course |
Learning outcome (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course code |
Course title |
24DMTB504A |
Planning & Policies for Tourism Industry (Theory) |
CO67Appraise the process of Tourism planing, its various phases and its importance. CO68Appraise the infrastructure development in tourism and CBT CO69Evaluate planning aspects and national action plan for tourism. CO70Examine civil aviation policy and its regulatory framework. CO71Evaluate the National Tourism Policy and infrastructure development. CO72Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction |
Approach in teaching: Discussion, Demonstration, Action Research, Project, Field Trip
Learning activities for the students: Field activities, Simulation, Presentation, Giving tasks Field practical
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects |
Definition, importance of planning; tourism planning approaches, level of tourism planning, Planning for Tourism. The planning process- Assessment of Demand and Supply, Establishing objectives, Territorial planning, Infrastructure, Financial planning, Human resource planning, Administrative structure, Marketing and Promotion, Monitoring progress and Time factor.
Infrastructure development:
Meaning, transportation, Accommodation, F&B, Attraction, Telecommunication, essential services. Stages of destination development and planning. Community Based Tourism (CBT): Meaning, Principles, Characteristics, characteristic of CBT as highlighted by UNEP & UNWTO & its relevance in Indian context.
Planning aspect of tourism in India:
Introduction, The Allocation and expenditures in five year plans in India. National Action Plan for Tourism 1992- Main features, Objectives, Strategies and recommendations. Circuits identified for Intensive development.
Civil Aviation Policy 2000:
Mission , Strategic, Consultation with users, regulatory framework, Private sector participation, IT Plan, Promotion of Aviation in North East, Safety, Security & recommendations.
National Tourism Policy 2002:
Introduction and Key words, Positioning Tourism as a National Policy, Enhancing India’s Competitiveness as a tourist destination, Infrastructure, Information centers, Tourism training institutes.
• V Dhulasi Birundha, Environmental challenges towards Tourism
Suggested Readings: