Management: Concept, Nature, Process and significance of Management. Management as an art and science; Management as profession, skills and roles of managers in organization, Principles of Management- Henry Fayol & Taylor Schools of management thought-Classical,neo-classical and modern theories.
Functions of Management: An overview of functions of management; Concepts of POSDCORB Planning: Nature, purpose, types and process, Management By Objectives (MBO). Decision Making-concept, importance, process, tools and techniques.
Organising: Concept of organising and organization, Types of Organisation- Formal & Informal. Organisation Structure- Concept and Forms. Staffing and Selection Process.
Directing: Meaning.Importance,Principles, Techniques of directing.
Controlling: Meaning,Importance,Process,Techniques of controlling-traditional and modern techniques
Motivation-Concept,Importance,Theories of motivation-Maslow’s need
hierarchy theory Theory X and theory Y.,Victor vroom Expectancy
model,William Ouchi’s theory Z.