The objective of this subject is to acquaint the students with the working knowledge of
the language to make use in international business
Modal verbs
Akkusativ case+verbs
Dativ case+Verbs
Prepositions with Akkusativ, Dativ
Stellensuche (jobsearch)
Berufswahl (occupation choice)
(Reihe 6)
Personal Pronoun-Akkusativ ,Dativ Reflexiv –Akkusativ, Dativ question pronoun-welch Einkaufen (shopping) (Reihe 7)
Adjective endings
Place and Direction
Perfect with Sein/haben
Auf der Post
(Reihe 8)
Past tense
Genitive case
Preposition with Genetiv
Auskunft –Fest
(Reihe 9)
To write and speak on different themes i.e.-
1) ich,du,er/sie(I,you,he/she)
2) my Freind
3) my brother/sister
4) my Germanclass
5) my father/mother
6) my Family
7) my hause
8) an Indian festival
9) my favourite food
10) one week in Germany.
Heirat Kinder(Reihe 10