This course will enable the students to learn fundamentals of tourism-key concepts, principles, components & Global trends.
Course |
Course outcome (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Basics of Tourism (Theory)
CO13: Contrast different types of tourist and forms of tourism. CO14: Discuss tourism demand and its derminants. CO15: Examine the tourism supply and its components. CO16: Analyze tourism components and Peters inventory of Tourist attraction. CO17: Appraise the international tourism destination & Organization. CO18: Engage in continuous and comprehensive learning |
Approach in teaching: Discussion, Demonstration, Action Research, Project, Field Trip
Learning activities for the students: Field activities, Simulation, Presentation, Giving tasks Field practical
Continuous Assessment Test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects |
Concepts, definitions and historical development of tourism & leisure in India: types of tourist- tourist, traveler, excursionist; forms of tourism-inbound, outbound, domestic and international; tourism system- nature, characteristic
Introduction to tourism demand:Determinants of tourism demand; motivation-Motivators of modern day tourism and tourism demand; measuring the tourism demand; tourism statistics (national and international); emerging trends and new thrust areas of Indian tourism.
International Tourism:Top 10 destinations of the World in terms of receipts, Tourist in-flow. India’s position in the World. Objectives and role of UNWTO, IATA, PATA – An Introduction.
Suggested Readings