Adventure Tourism Concepts & Management (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to get an in depth learning about adventure tourism including its nature, scope, forms, risk & safety consideration and standards.


Course Outcomes: 


Course outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title



Adventure Tourism Concepts and Management



CO144: Explain the concepts and classification of adventure Tourism activities.

CO145: Analyze the role and requirement of land based, water based and air based tourism activities.

CO146: Analyze the role and requirement of water based tourism activities.

CO147: Analyze the role and requirement of air based tourism activities.

CO148: Appraise the social, cultural and economic impact of adventure tourism.

CO149: Engage in continuous and comprehensive learning.

Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Demonstration, Action Research, Project, Field Trip

Learning activities for the students:

Field activities, Simulation, Presentation, Giving tasks Field practical


Continuous Assessment Test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects



Unit I: 

Concept of adventure and its classification. Adventure and tourism industry — nature, relationship and scope, land base, air base & water base. Geographic &Topographic features -Weather a, climate, vegetation belts.

Unit II: 

Land based Adventure tourism  - Concept , Natural & manmade resources required , Planning required ,Equipment and clothing requirements , Types , Places where available in India , do’s and do’nts.

Unit III: 

Water based Adventure tourism  - Concept , Natural & manmade resources required , Planning required ,Equipment and clothing requirements , Types , Places where available in India, do’s and do’nts..

Unit IV: 

Air based Adventure tourism  - Concept , Natural & manmade resources required , Planning required ,Equipment and clothing requirements , Types , Places where available in India, do’s and don’ts..

Unit V: 

Impact of adventure tourism: environmental, socio-cultural and economic. Management strategies and actions: site management, visitor management, legal and regulatory actions, community management. Case study on land, air and water based tourism. 

Essential Readings: 
  • Buckley,   Ralf,   CAB   International   2006,   Adventure Tourisms.



Suggested Readings

  • Malik, S.S., 1 997, Adventure Tourism, Rahul Publishing, New Delhi. •     Negi, J. 2001 ,
  • Natural Area Tourism, Viva Books, New Delhi.
  • New Som, D., Moore, S.A., Dowling, R.K. (2004), Adventure Tourism and Sports - Part- I &II, Kanishka Publisers, New Delhi.




Academic Year: